
Saturday, February 26, 2005


Patch Email's her members of Congress

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Posted by Hello
The Patch to her members of Congress

Members of Congress
All Congress wants to do is the easy stuff. Drill,drill,drill, is conservation a dirty word? We could not only save ANWR, but also at the same time reduce our dependence on foreign energy supplies, by using conservation and alternative energy. ANWR is only a symbol, the bull dozing of the western US, the clear cutting of our forest, strip-mining for coal, are all in the same boat. You know my story and I know yours, profits and stock price. But our stories are not incompatible, I like my job, I like my warm house. And I also know that it takes profits to produce these likes. But not at all cost, we can have these likes and not destroy the Ohio Hills and Kentucky Mountains with strip mining., without bull dozing roads all over our national forest for clear cutting.. You can tell me how much a gallon of gas cost, how much it cost to heat my home, but I can’t tell you the price of ANWR, or our national forest, they are priceless!!! Lets quit hiding in a 1000 page energy bill, lets get out in the open, lets do the hard stuff. Lets save some Future

The Patch has hiked in the Grand Canyon, in Yellowstone National Park, the Flattop Wilderness in Colorado, has hiked the desserts of SE Utah,Hiked in Ohio, Kentucky, and tons of other places. And the Patch wants his best bud ( see Previous Post) to do the same thing. Once the roads are built,once the mountains are stripped, once the last Redwood Tree is logged, it's gone, maybe forever. My bud might not know what is to walk 50 miles and not cross a road,but I know and I will try to tell him what it was like. And the question will come, WHY?
How did we put the industrialist in charge of industry, put the money lenders in charge of the money, and the anti-environmentalism in charge of the environment?

The PatchDog 3

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