American Iraqi War Dead
Don't get the Patch wrong, she was against the war, but now supports it. Patch hopes like hell some good comes of it. We left them once to kill each other,hope we don't do it again.
Patch hasn't forgotten 9.11, remembering 9.11 is precisely why the Patch worries about the United States and the direction we are moving. ( See previous post. ) Patch feels that the Iraqi war has taken everything away from the war on terrorism. Too much concentration on Iraq and not near enough on terrorism. The President,his advisers,his cabinet, the US Congress,and the American people all concentrated on Iraq. Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda ???
Patch also thinks the war should be in our face. The war is not a John Wayne movie,we should see the dead,wounded and destruction. We should see that Fallujah was destroyed to win the battle. The war should be in our face like 9.11 was. Every Monday mourning we should be made to write a check for xxx amount to pay for the war. Then just maybe us Americans will be sure that war will be the last resort, the last step.
Enough Patch has to start searching again for those crop circle making aliens.