
Thursday, March 31, 2005


Could This Happen?

Cincinnati Ohio?

A report on United States intelligence to be made public on Thursday concludes that the government has failed to respond to the dire threat posed by unconventional weapons.

Three and a half years after Dec. 7, 1941, the United States had built and equipped an army and navy that had crossed two oceans, the English Channel and the Rhine; it had already won Germany's surrender and was two months from vanquishing Japan,"

Rob believes this is the result of going to war with Iraq, not of any inherent failure of intelligent agencies. (Neither Patch or Rob believes that after watching and spying on Iraq since the end of the Gulf War to the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom that Iraq could have done anything without American intelligent agencies knowing it.) If the Bush administration hadn’t been so focused on going to war with Iraq they could have spent all the time, energy, and resources that was spent on the war and put it all toward the war on terrorism and national security and the Untied States would be a much safer place then it is now. Rob thinks the administration is deflecting criticism to the intelligent agencies and away from their failure to protect America from terrorism. The Administration is trying to make the point that the war is accomplishing this goal and we can only hope so. Rob says that is why it is now of up most importance that we succeed in Iraq but there is two problems going on. One the Bush Administration had no plan for the peace and American forces are still planning day by day on what to do. Two already his administration is being detracted from Iraq toward Iran and Syria. (Here’s a kicker $700 million for an embassy in Iraq, with all the things that need done, $700 million for an embassy? What in the world would the United States want with a $700 million embassy in Iraq? Or any other country for that matter.) Another thing the administration has done to fight the war is make allies with countries with deep ties to terrorism, (Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to name two).
Rob thinks Americans had better start making the Bush Administration responsible for their actions or non actions. The conservatives that elected him and most of the current congress had better stop beating up on liberals and start getting some answers from the Bush Administration for our lack of national security.
The Bush Administration is issuing a security alert almost every week on the possibility of a nuclear device being brought into the United States and set off in a major metropolitan area. Now there are one or two things going on. One the administration is hyping the chance of this happening for some ulterior motive or two a nuclear device is going to go off someday soon. Between container ships and the open Mexican border there is not much stopping a nuclear device being smuggled into the United States? All one has to do is look at how much drugs cross this border to see that a nuclear device would not be much of a problem.
The Patch
Patch, while I agree wholeheartedly with your points in this post, I have to ask the question, are the terrorists really out to kill innocent Americans? I understand that this was the case on 911, however I think those targets were specifically chosen for a reason and not just random acts.I think the Trade Towers were repeatedly targeted because someone felt that they were wronged and ripped off by insider trading . I think innocent people were an unintended consequence of these actions.I think if they really wanted to kill American citizens, they could easily blow up a train, bus, disco, mall or supermarket.I think this whole "terrorism" scheme is really a personal war between the Bush family and some of the Bin Laden family.Feelings must be really hurt!!!
However, I do think the stakes have been upped after the invasion of Iraq. I think the terrorists now see this as a fight for survival, thus making innocent civilians legitament targets.
Patch thinks the terrorist picked the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon for obvious reasons, they represents the two strengths of the United States; Money and Military. The amount of civilian deaths wasn’t a factor in picking these targets. Now a dirty nuclear bomb I would think would target a maximum amount of death. All though it could also contaminate most of New York City, effectively destroying it. We better hope Wall Street has nationwide computer backup. Now do the terrorist want to that? Who knows? If we believe what our government is telling us, then yes, Bin Laden and al Qaeda would go for maximum death. Bin Laden most likely agrees with that Churchill guy, there are no innocent Americans. U.S. businesses and the Bush administration seem more concerned with getting cheap Mexican labor across the border then with any terrorism coming across. Is this why Americans show little concern over open borders?
Follow this link and see how complicated this terrorism deal is.,isi,drugs
Again I think this timeline, even if only half true, proves our intel people are far from a bunch of dummies.
spent the better part of 3 hours reading from that link. Still not even half way there. Very interesting stuff!!I apperciate this. Thank you. When I am finished , I will surely have more questions for you. Tell Rob I said hello.
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