
Saturday, March 26, 2005


Rob gets it off his chest

Rob hiking 3-27-05

Take a hike and clear your mind

Rob says the problem now days with the world in general and the United States in particularly is cable TV and increasingly the internet. TV news blast people 24/7, with continuous updates and then the talking heads telling what it all means. People have no time to let emotions die down and for their brains and logic take over. TV is great at showing the emotional side of a story, not so good at getting the total story across. Then it’s the same thing over and over 24/7 until the story is blown way beyond context. This Terri Schiavo woman is a case in point. The tsunami flood is another. With millions of people dying because of not having basic health care, where’s the outrage, where’s the demand for justice and where is TV news? With millions of people across the world starving to death, where’s the outrage, where is the demand for justice, and where is TV news? Terri Schiavo makes a great TV shot; tsunami waves washing people to death make great TV. Health Care, people starving not so good TV. Main stream news is accused of slanting the news by the not so main stream news that slant the news even more. Then read the internet stuff. Bolggers and web sites for the most point use these cases to get a point across, their point. That’s fine, but it doesn’t stop there, any other point of view is stupid, irreligious or un-American. Just stop and think about it, the world and the universe doesn’t revolve around you, they revolve around all of us. The US Constitution and the system it has produced is most likely the greatest thing ever devised by man to resolve conflicts between people. That includes conflicts of religion. It’s more then time for the people of the United States to stop attacking this institution. Ok enough, could right a book on this stuff, back to UFOs, Patch does has me interested in storm chasing.

From the Patch; Rob isn’t the brightest UFO chaser that’s came down the pike but I think he’s got the basics right. He also says he doesn’t exclude himself.

Want to laugh, watch “Keeping Up Appearances” it’s on PBS.

Want to read a good book, “Miracle at Philadelphia; The Story of the Constitutional Convention May to September 1787” by Catherine Drinker Bowen.

The PatchDog 3

point well taken.
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