Fallujah Iraq

This from Riverbend ( Baghdad Burning )”
http://riverbendblog.blogspot.com/ “
On watching American news TV “I’ve been enchanted with the shows these last few weeks. The thing that strikes me most is the fact that the news is so… clean. It’s like hospital food. It’s all organized and disinfected. Everything is partitioned and you can feel how it has been doled out carefully with extreme attention to the portions- 2 minutes on women’s rights in Afghanistan, 1 minute on training troops in Iraq and 20 minutes on Terri Schiavo! All the reportages are upbeat and somewhat cheerful, and the anchor person manages to look properly concerned and completely uncaring all at once”.
Another observation on reality TV shows: “I have a suggestion of my own for a reality show. Take 15 Bush supporters and throw them in a house in the suburbs of, say, Falloojeh for at least 14 days. We could watch them cope with the water problems, the lack of electricity, the check points, the raids, the Iraqi National Guard, the bombings, and- oh yeah- the ‘insurgents’. We could watch their house bombed to the ground and their few belongings crushed under the weight of cement and brick or simply burned or riddled with bullets. We could see them try to rebuild their life with their bare hands (and the equivalent of $150)…”
Don’t get the Patch wrong, Rob and I were against the war for a lot of reasons, but now we think it’s the United States responsibility to save Iraq for Iraq not for America. There are already plans for permanent military bases and plans for a $700 million dollar embassy, 700 million dollars!!! Not the things you do when you say that you are going to pull out as soon as possible. As all things with the Bush Administration, what ever they say the opposite is closer to the true agenda.
The right wing conservatives have most of the information that Americas receive so muted that we know almost nothing about almost everything. Any news organization that questions what is going on or tries to explain what is going on is attacked as leftist propaganda and un-American. And who reports that? The very news organization that tried to make the original report. Why are we not getting the truth? We won the battle for Fallujah by destroying the city. Have you seen any pictures of Fallujah?
Rob and I still think the underlining reasons for all this is OIL, all the rest ( the World and Iraq are better off without Saddam, Democracy in Iraq and the middle east) is nothing but unintended consequences.
Anyway reading Baghdad Burning will give one something to think about.

Have not heard from Rob yet today, if I get any news I will post it as soon as possible.
Posted By Patches