Oil Field
Energy Bill; The bill includes
$12 billion in tax breaks and subsidies for energy companies, more than the Bush administration said it wanted. Nevertheless, the White House strongly endorsed the measure and gave short shrift to energy efficiency and renewable fuel.
$12 billion in tax breaks and subsidies? Why and for What?Liability protection for producers of MTBE, a gasoline additive blamed in groundwater pollution nationwide. It will leave local communities bearing the costs of any MTBE cleanup when
oil companies were aware of risks when they used the substance. The use of MTBE was mandated by Congress, but the environmental risk were covered up.
Allows drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
The legislation is more than 1,000 pages long and touches on almost every aspect of energy production and use. It gives a federal board new authority to force improvements in the power grid to avert blackouts. The House bill also extends daylight saving time by two months
President Bush demanded on Wednesday that Congress send a long-stalled energy bill to his desk for signing by the summer,
even as he admitted that the legislation would do nothing to lower the rising gasoline prices.
Posted By Patches