
Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Only in the USA
Sexy Texas Cheerleader Ban Sashays Forward
The state of Texas, birthplace of sexy cheerleading, continues its efforts to ban it: Yesterday, a bill passed the House and now it moves on to the Senate. Its sponsor, Democrat Al Edwards, thinks unprotected cheerleading leads to "young girls being pregnant in middle and high schools, dropping out of school, having babies, and contracting AIDS and herpes." So in a way, a law against suggestive pom-pom twirling is probably a pretty fair compromise, because if Edwards finds out it's actually sex that leads to all those things, who knows what legislation he'll try to enact? — GREG BEATO
Cheerleader bill passes House [News 8 Austin] Scared

Conservatives blaming Hollywood for the Army’s lack of new recruits
Cinematic patriot Michael Medved insists it's because "many of the major stars today have an Ivy League background." As a result, he suggests, Hollywood no longer makes movies that accurately glorify "the heroic violence of brave men and women with guns, fighting selflessly for their country."
And conservatives keep making fun of liberalsLaughand Hollywood for all the horrible shows they watch.

Patch Dog 3
Conservatives seem to be blaming liberals for EVERYTHING!!!!Could it be that there is a WAR going on with NO END in sight, why recruitment is low?!?!No, it must be the lack of RAMBO sequels!!!!
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