
Friday, May 13, 2005


Rob Speaks

Rob Speaks
My mistake was taking off the aluminum lined hat. Soon as I took off the hat the aliens struck before I could pull the trigger on the .50 caliber rifle. They must have used some kind of energy force. Whatever it was the aliens used it left no sign, either physical or mental, at least as far as I can tell. Patch says I’m just as crazy now as before the incident with the UFO.
The insurance adjuster paid for the van (it was totaled), but don’t believe my story. Patch says who does? Anyhow, none of the instruments worked on detecting UFOs so I don’t have to worry about replacements. I’m still thinking about another rifle. Patch says, aluminum lined hat or not, aliens will not let me shoot them.
If time permits I may go back to the burning man project in the black rock desert. ( ). Bet there will be some UFO freaks at burning man, be freaks of all kinds most likely.
Conservatives are saying that going after Tom DeLay is going to catch a bunch of democrats in the process. I say, good, catch all the bad guys and hang them from a tall oak tree in Texas.

Quote “My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular. Adlai E. Stevenson

How long before it sets in that Bush’s tax cuts are not working? Bush #1 raised taxes, (cost him the election) and Clinton followed with more tax increases along with Congress going to pay as you go legislation. This produced the economic boom of the 90’s, and produced a budget surplus. With tax cuts the economy is barely chugging along and the deficit is out of sight. I still say, making the rich richer is not going to help anyone but the rich. WTO, NAFTA, Free Trade stuff may or may not be helping multi-national corporations, but it’s doing nothing good for middle class Americans that I can see. If any jobs are created, they always come at a lower pay scale.

The Ohio House Health Committee has approved a bill that would allow women to nurse their babies in public places.
Backers overcame objections from some pro-business lawmakers who had raised concerns about workplace accidents from spilled breast milk. Pro-business lawmakers worring about workplace accidents of any kind? How often have you come across spilled breast milk? (And I'm proud that I vote!)
Ohio law, which currently treats breastfeeding in public as a fourth degree misdemeanor for a first-time offender. Breast-feeding itself is not illegal — just the public showing of the nipple. A fourth-degree misdemeanor conviction can result in up to 30 days in jail and/or a $250 fine … doesn’t know of any women actually charged for breast-feeding, women have been harassed and told to stop, or go to the restroom, she said. "I don’t think you would like to have your dinner served in a toilet or the facilities of a toilet," McLin said

US Air Force Academy
Surveys of present and former cadets have shown that some students said they felt a heavy and sometimes offensive emphasis on evangelical Christianity, with praise for cadets who pronounce their "born-again" status and insults aimed at Jews, Roman Catholics and non-evangelical cadets.
One staff chaplain reportedly told newly arrived freshmen last summer that anyone not born again "will burn in the fires of hell."
The Air Force's new attention to the issue stems from an earlier scandal at the school in which female cadets said commanding officers ignored or played down numerous cases of sexual assault by male students.
Be borne-again, rape your fellow cadet.

It's almost as if Christians realize that they are just as immoral as everyone else, and they are on a publicity campaign to fix their image, but not their morals!!!!

As for the Bush tax cuts, they didn't work when they were Reagan's "trickle down" economics!!!!
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