Rob’s story
This guy Rich that we picked up to help chase the UFOs, well I thing he might have been an alien. He was a weird guy, he was the first one to spot the UFO lights and he was the only one able to use the range finder. My Air Force buddy and I could never get a range, but Rich would use the range finder, 3 kilometers to the light , he’d say. He also made fun of my aluminum lined hat. The hat probably stopped him from reading my thoughts.
Then the way he bugged out was also weird. He was all gung oh on chasing the UFOs until we got to Idaho, then all of a sudden he has to go home. After he left I never seen another UFO until the one that buzzed me on US 26 east of John Day, Oregon.
This is the UFO I followed to the Black Rock desert, no one but myself ever saw this UFO. I think this Rich was a crew member. And I think it lead me down into the Black Rock just to have some fun. Patch thinks I got a dose of radiation when we where around the Idaho National Engineering Labs. Most likely, a crew member gets bored, disguises themselves to look human and circulate among the UFO chasers and they do it for R&R.
Ever been to eastern Oregon? Talk about some wild country, need to go back there and check it out some more. And Nevada, no wonder all kinds of secret things go on there. Leave Los Vegas and drive up to the Black Rock, two different worlds, of which I like the Black Rock a 1000 times better. One thing, if you are afraid of being lonely or afraid of the dark, don’t go to the Black Rock. It is both!
Patch says that if aliens can disguise themselves as humans, they could be anywhere and everywhere. She may be right, could this explain the people that make crop circles? Well anything that can travel across intergalactic space can most likely do lots of things.
The Burning Man Project is out for this year, but I going to try to get there next year.