
Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Health Care

Health Care; What is to be done about health care? It's clear to Rob that this is rapidity becoming the #1 problem for society, if it isn't already. Here is a link to a possible answer. scroll down to the section on universal health coverage, be sure to read the comments. In fact this blog is a good read.
While our President is out trying to destroy S.S., the health care crisis keeps growing, security on our borders (Mexican) remain unsecured.Dosen't "homeland security" sound so fascist or communist? Why not use American security? Everytime I use my company health insurance card, I think, what would I do without it? And why should I or my family get better health care then anyone else? Surly not because I have a better job and/or more money. I keep reading, but I see nothing to make me believe that market force is the answer. It's going to take a combination of things. Of course I don't think any system has all the answers.
Anyway the link above will give one something to think about.


Thanks for the link!!!While I was looking out for the report on the 50. cal. on 60 minutes, I saw a segment on a fellow who works for the drug company Phizer. Although he still represents the company, he talked about how the drug companies in the US are fleecing the American public with the help of the government!!

The segment talked about how cheaper drugs are being sold all over the world, except in the US!!He went on to say that the same drugs are being sold worldwide for much less and without problems!!He pinpoints the US government as the culprit behind the American people being forced to pay such high prices. 60 Minutes went to Europe , where they had companies solely set up as middle men that would buy cheaper drugs in one country, then repackage and sell the SAME drugs for much less in other European countries!!

This leads me to believe that greedy politicians who get donations from the drug companies, are passing laws that forbid the American consumer from purchasing less expensive drugs!!!Safety is NOT a legitimate concern!!!It is obvious that money and GREED is at the root of the health care industry's lack of a better system!!!
Oh, I didn't see the report on the 50. cal. You must have meant 60 Minutes on Wednesday!!
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