Patch (roughly) thinks The Bush Administration took a page out of history to start their war with Iraq.
Remember Pearl Harbor? In the summer of 1941 the army, navy and the FDR Administration knew that Japan was planning an attack on the US. After all both the Japanese diplomatic and military codes were broken. Roosevelt was having a very hard time getting America on a war footing. He had strong opposition to any war in Congress and from organizations as America First. America First Committee, founded in September 1940, was the most powerful isolationist group in America before the United States entered World War II. It had over 800,000 members, who wanted to keep America neutral.
How much FDR knew about Japanese plans are disputed by historians. But Patch thinks they defiantly knew there was going to be an attack on an US territory. I also think they underestimated the Japanese and thought Pearl Harbor was beyond Japanese abilities. Army and Navy intelligence were looking at targets much closer to Japan. They hedged this by sending all 4 aircraft carriers out sea, away from Pearl. Well we know what happened, FDR had his war. (America First was dissolved four days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.)
I think the Bush Administration used this bit of history to start the Iraqi war. I think they knew there was going to be a terrorist attack and knew it was going to be on 911. But again, as FDR did, they underestimated their enemy. Again they were thinking that al-Qaeda would attack closer to home and did not have the ability to pull off the attacks on the World Trade Center and Washington. (There is evidence that they knew that the Plane attacks were for real, as Imera has posted.)
(.... messages were not translated until Sept. 12, senior U.S. intelligence officials said yesterday. This excuse was also used in the fall of 1941.)
What they did or didn't know made little difference, they let the attacks happen, and they had their war. (Most opposition to war with Iraq dissolved by 9/12.
And I still think it's about oil. Bush has so many oil company executives in his administration it's a wonder that the oil companies can operate.Now saying all this, I more or less agree with two dogs, it's hard to believe that this could happen without someone spilling the beans. (Think Richard Clarke) If it is a conspiracy, it's a huge one. Then again, G.H.W.Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld Wolfowitz, Bolton, and many more have been working together going back to the Nixon Administration. (In and out of government.)
Also I don't think these guys are conservatives. They are much closer to being fascist as being conservatives.
Did G.M. and other major corporations bet on the Bush to win in Iraq and for more and cheaper oil supplies? (Boeing - Airlines?)
F-15 scrambled on 911 to shoot down the airlines? There is no way F-15's were flying around at mach 1 or better without most people on the east coast knowing it. Ever hear a sonic boom? Even at altitudes of 30,000 + ft, sonic boom are loud.