
Friday, June 17, 2005


Real Conservatives???

Real Conservative Values
One of the more preposterous things I see many on the lefty blogosphere post about is how George Bush is not a "real" conservative. In making this argument, many bloggers go on to cite the supposed conservative values that George Bush does not represent. These values go something like this:
"Real" conservatives value fiscal responsibility and solvency, but George Bush does not
"Real" conservatives value personal liberties, but George Bush does not.
"Real" conservatives are not interested in overseas adventurism, especially without the help of our allies, but George Bush does not.To all of this I say hogwash. George Bush is a self-proclaimed conservative. In this election, 84% of those people who identify as conservatives voted for George Bush, thereby endorsing his policies. I say, and my Catholic upbringing says, that your actions are your beliefs, and there is no difference between the two. Considering this, it is time to face some facts:
Real conservatives value fiscal insolvency, including irresponsible tax cuts, corporate giveaways, massive spending increases, huge undisclosed pork-barrel spending projects hammered out during congressional conference, rather than actual budget legislation on the Congressional floor that is open to the public and recorded in the public record. You know that conservatives value these things, because these are the things the vast majority of self-proclaimed conservatives do.
Real conservatives do not value your personal liberties. They like disenfranchising voters, challenging voters, and making it more difficult to vote. They like it when the government is in your bedroom. They want to be able to spy on your personal files. They do not respect your right to privacy. They like to tell you who you can and cannot love, and what you can and cannot do to your own body. You know these are conservative values, because conservatives regularly pass laws of this nature.
Real conservatives like to recklessly use the military They love war, and regularly resort to it as one of their first choices. They have no respect for the lives their policies destroy, as long as they have more bases overseas. They derive their values from violence, and detest peace. They will come up with any excuse possible, and cynically invent several more, to use force whenever possible, wherever possible. You know these are conservative values, because these are the actions conservatives take.Real conservatives are bloodthirsty, reckless with our tax money, and want to tell you how to live your life. They are intolerant, warmongering and irresponsible. You know these are real conservatives values, because you can find anyone's beliefs in what they do, not what they say.

Chris Bowers, My DD

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Very well put Patches.....very well put!!!
I consider myself very conservative, and I am one of those who views Bush as NOT a real conservative. The reason you see 84% of conservatives voting for someone who is NOT a "real conservative" in their own minds is because Kerry isn't conservative either, and you only have two viable choices.

All that said, Bush has done more to damage this country than any preceding president in my lifetime. However, the reason I voted for him WAS NOT TO ENDORSE HIM, but keep Kerry out of office because while it would have been in different areas, I believed Kerry would have done more to damage this country than Bush. Since I cast my vote I have come to realize that it in fact made no difference, they were both equally bad.

What people fail to realize is that the "real conservatives" have simply no options, none that stand a chance anyway. We don't endorse Bush, we don't even like him. Voting for Bush is like shooting your right foot. Voting for Kerry is like shooting your left foot. Next time I visit the ballot box I am going to take a long hard look at people with letters other than a (D) or an (R) next to them, like it will actually do any good.

Claiming that "real conservatives" are in line with Bush is like claiming that you actually WANT to jump off a bridge simply because you said that would be a better way to go than slitting your wrists.
Calan said "However, the reason I voted for him WAS NOT TO ENDORSE HIM, but keep Kerry out of office"

I could agree with this logic if there was a democratic congress, but having a republican congress would have kept Kerry in check. There was no way a republican congress would have let a democrat get away with what they let Bush get away with.
It's not that conservatives have no real choice, but that it's voters have no real choice.
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