
Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Would You?

A few questions if George Bush was a Democrat;

Would you have supported his going to war with Iraq?
Would you support the No Child Left Behind Act?
Would you support his administration having secret meeting with multi-national corporations?
Would you have supported the Patriot Act?
Would you support his non action on the U.S. / Mexican border?
Would you support his energy bill?
Would you support the Pork Bill (Aka Transportation Bill) that he signed into law?
Would you support CAFTA?
Would you support his not meeting anti-war mom Cindy Sheehan?
How about his plans for Social Security?
Then there is the Medicare Prescription Drug law.
What would you have to say about the Federal deficit?
Lets not forget Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay.
The outing of a CIA agent.

Would You Support A Democrat With This Track Record?

Why does having sex in the White House seem pretty trivial?

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