
Saturday, September 24, 2005


Alien From Universe X

Today ( 9-24-05) I interviewed this alien that due to security issues, wants to remain nameless. He says that he lives in Universe X. Universe X is a complex made up of thousands of planets in the upper right quadrangle of the 11th Dimension

The one question I had to ask this alien was “Is there a God?”

He kind of laughed and said, “No, but the religious right here in the United States is coming close to the right answer to this question with the concept of “Intelligent Design. Where the religious right has it wrong is assuming that Intelligent Design is the work of one person, God or any other entity. Intelligent Design takes the work of thousands of individuals and millions of (earth) years to complete. Universe X spent hundreds of trillions of American Dollars and tens of millions of earth years of very difficult labor to produce life on this plant as it now exists." As your President Bush likes to says,”it was hard work.”

I then asked the alien what was Planet X’s biggest mistake.

Obvious, he stated, Humans, we should have stopped with the great apes. Our designers originally thought that giving free will intellectual intelligence to a life form, a life form that would be good stewards of planet earth, was the most promising way to go. What a huge mistake in thinking this was, it changed Planet X’s whole philosophy on building life forms on alien planets. All Intelligent Designed planets since earth has been completed without these intelligent life forms. Earth is the only plant that Universe X has to intervene in to keep it from being destroyed by the very life forms that the planet supports. For all the intelligence humans have, we cannot understand why they can’t understand that in destroying earth they destroy themselves. I mean, what is so hard to understand that the well being of your planet is your only salvation. Without intervention of professionals from Universe X, humans will destroy earth millions of earth years before they develop enough intelligence to correct the environmental damage their greedy, consuming, and throw away way of life produces. Little did the original designers even suspect that humans would contaminate the food, water and air that they need to exist, let alone design something like, my goodness, the Atomic Bomb!

We tried to correct this flaw by destroying most humans, once , by directing meteors to strike the earth and once by flooding the entire earth. (Except for one little support craft that a held few selected life forms including a few promising humans) Humans are survivors if nothing else.( It was also another failure as far as humans go.)

Well, I then asked; what would best explain the origins of life, evolution or intelligent design?
As you most likely know this is a huge question being debated here in the United States.

Either, he answered, would do with what little intelligence humans have to understand something this complex. I will say that evolution is a much simpler explanation then intelligent design. Trying to explain life using intelligent design will keep priests and religions going for another million earth years, especially if humans want to continue believing intelligent design is the result of “One Being”.

This interview to be continued …..

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