
Saturday, September 24, 2005


Arizona for Tax Relief?

Extra; China has expressed reservations to the Bush Administration on using Arizona as collateral for loaning the 100 Billion $ that Bush wants to use for reducing the taxes on Americans earning over 10 million $ a year. China sites water as the main reason for concern. China fears that after recieving the 100 billion $ the Bush Administration will hire Osama Bin-Laden to destroy both Boulder Dam and Glen Canyon Dam thus depriving Arizona of enough water to exist. Without water, Arizona is worthless, a source from the Chinese embassy stated. He also was overheard as saying “we believe G. Bush is capable of doing anything to reduce taxes for rich Americans. "

The Bush Administration spokesman said ”Nonsense, no way would we hire Osama Bin-Laden to do anything.” What we are trying to do is convince China of the need for this tax cut. With a tax cut of 100 Billion $ we could not only reduce the tax burden on Americans earning over 10 million $ we could also refund any taxes these Americans have had to pay going back for 10 years. This tax relief and refund the Administration believes will shoot the economy up in the U.S. like the space shuttle. (The spokesman from the Chinese Embassy was quoted as saying”Ya, the economy would most likely go up like the shuttle Challenger went up.”)

As of now China and the Bush Administration are at logger heads over Arizona for the 100 Billion $ tax relief program.

On another front the Administration is trying to get Congress on board to support loan guarantees to China. The Administration is telling members of Congress that no one would benefit more from this sale then they would. Congress will be able to return to their constituents and explain how we. (The Bush Administration and Congress) paid not only the bill for hurricane relief, but also reduced taxes for the rich (we all know how good this is for the economy), reduced the budget deficit to near zero and financed the Iraqi war for another year. This news should guarantee reelection and bring good will to the Republican Party for years to come.

Congress can also tell their constituents that if China tries to foreclose on the states being used as collateral President Bush will put the Iraqi war on hold and face the American all voluntary Army at China.

Dick Cheney was quoted as saying “three or four Reagan Class Aircraft Carriers cruising off the coast of China should make it clear to China that the interest the U.S. will be paying on the loans better be enough to keep the Chinese Government satisfied.”

A source at the White House speaking on this subject stated, “If China forecloses on California, it will be what they deserve for not voting for George Bush and becoming a red state.”

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