
Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Bush Money

This Is Just One Of The Truck Loads Of Money That President Bush is Using To Plug Holes In The Levees Around New Orleans. The President was quoted as saying "You can repair any size break in the levee system using truck loads of money like this."
Tom DeLay blames current budget woes on FDR. Delay speaking from his Washington office said that the “New Deal” of FDR’s is still making it impossible for today’s Republicans to make cuts to the budget. With so many people getting old and retiring, how can we destroy Social Security, he complained.

Despite dropping $200 billion on hurricane relief, President Bush’s poll numbers are still down. He is considering another $150 billion in relief aid and sending V.P. Cheney to do the cleanup. The President said that with his new bionic body the V.P. should be able to do most of the cleanup himself. With the V.P. doing all the work saving the government billions the President said he would authorize raising the credit card limit of the evacuees to $6000 up from the current $2000. If that doesn’t raise my poll numbers complained the President, I don’t know what will.

On another matter, the President has hired former FEMA director Mike Brown as a consultant on disaster relief, stating that Brown has years of experience in disaster relief. Again the President was quoted as saying “Good Job Brownie”.


When asked by a liberal reporter where all this money is coming from, President Bush, with a disgusted look answered, “China is our friend and will remain our friend.”
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