More on the environment; A consortium of corporations lead by Boise-Cascade having observed the American National Corporation Parks bid to buy all national parks west of the Mississippi River made an offer to the Bush Administration to buy all remaining public lands in what was the Louisiana purchase. The consortium has offered as much as 25 Billion $ for these lands. A spokesman for the consortium stated that this is one hell of a return on investment as President Thomas Jefferson only paid 8 million $ for the entire Louisiana Purchase. Western cattlemen’s associations expressed interest in joining this consortium saying they are tired of bribing BLM employees for grazing permits to these public lands. After all, one cattleman was over heard saying “the lands are public, why should I have to pay anything to graze my cattle on them?
Some protest has risen concerning any sale of public lands to anyone. Permit fees are an income for the U.S. treasury and should not be overlooked. A much louder protest came from a group proclaiming them self’s as “Keep America Free from China.” This group claims that China is backing this consortium and China is the one with the money to pull it off. China is trying to buy America and we believe the Bush Administration is OK with this, the group also stated.
As long as China is willing to front enough money to continue our tax cuts for the rich program, a Bush spokesman stated, we are willing to deal with China or anyone else for that matter, even Ted Turner. (Turner already owns over a million acres of western lands in Montana and New Mexico)
Extra; the for now unnamed company wanting to sponsor Sequoia National Corporation Park has said that after they have finished logging the park they will leave all Sequoia tree stump large enough to camp on in place. Saying any one camping on one of these stumps would have no trouble imagining just how huge a Sequoia tree was, plus the visitor center would have many photos available of the trees for those lacking imagination.