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In today’s news I was reading about Saddam Hussein’s trail and the charges against him, then read about some of the things the Bush administration is doing supposlly to fight terrorism, remarkably similar
Secret courts, secret warrants, secret prisons, torture, massive data gathering on all aspects of US citizens including medical records, library records, and financial records.
We are now entering a system where laws are kept secret, prosecutions are kept secret, and national security is a password to removing any and all liberty that stands in the way of anything government wishes to do....
Who are the people that support a clandestine program of warrantless domestic spying“?
Who are the people that support the creation of a worldwide archipelago of secret torture sites?
Who are the people who support the usurpation of the functions of government by the executive branch; who espouse the theory that the executive branch is the final arbiter of the legality of the actions of the executive branch; and who call for the investigation or prosecution of a free press that dares to report on the executive branch’s secret programs of domestic spying and outsourced torture?
They say if you are not breaking the law you have nothing to fear from the law. If you believe this you should ask the Jews that lived in Germany through the 1930’s and 40’s, or should I say, ask the Jews that survived, what they think about that argument.
What do we call a President that has unlimited power? Emperor, Dictator, King, Asshole?
The Patriot Act, or should we call it destroy the Bill of Rights Act? If you start reading internet blogs, you’ll soon find everyone has an interpretation of what Bill of Rights mean. So here is mine, by asking a few questions.
What does the Bill of Rights do? Do they protect you from terrorist; protect you from foreign governments, or protect you from space aliens? No, the Bill of Rights protects you from your own government. Congress can’t do that, Congress can’t do this, you have the right to do this, you have the right to do that.
Look at Amendment IV.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
(WASHINGTON - President Bush signed a secret order in 2002 authorizing the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on U.S. citizens and foreign nationals in the United States, despite previous legal prohibitions against such domestic spying, sources with knowledge of the program said Thursday night)
Look at what the President claims he has the right to do. 911 they say changed everything, does this mean Americans now must live without a Bill of Rights?
I’m always wondering, what’s worse, terrorism or our response to terrorism, are we fighting to bring Democracy to Iraq, while destroying it here in America?
Artic National Wildlife Refuge or Oil.
The month of Dec. here in Cincinnati has been cold, few days were above freezing and I heat my home with oil. So, if drilling in ANWR will ensure that I can keep my home warm, then dill. But! I read a lot on oil drilling or protecting the environment of the refuge.
Reasons to drill; reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil, cheaper gasoline and home heating oil, and of course the catch all “create jobs.
Reasons not to dill, none of the above will happen, destruction of the environment.
Prove to me that the above will happen and I’ll support drilling until then leave the place alone, the oil in ANWR has been there millions of years and not likely to disappear.
What I think, is this.
The oil in ANWR will not reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.
The oil in ANWR will not bring me cheaper gasoline or home heating oil.
Drilling in ANWR will increase profits for some energy companies and their stock holders.
Drilling in ANWR will produce a few jobs, but not many.
Drilling in ANWR cannot be done without destroying the environment.
I don’t want the government to make me drive a 1000cc 3 liter 2 seated car to save gas, instead I would like the government to stop subsidizing the multi-national oil industry to dill for more oil and start to subsidize me if I do buy such a car.
I would also like to see the governments (Feds, State, and Local) to make it easier, safer, nicer, and more convenient to live 5 miles from work instead of 30.