Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Bush Money
This Is Just One Of The Truck Loads Of Money That President Bush is Using To Plug Holes In The Levees Around New Orleans. The President was quoted as saying "You can repair any size break in the levee system using truck loads of money like this."
Tom DeLay blames current budget woes on FDR. Delay speaking from his Washington office said that the “New Deal” of FDR’s is still making it impossible for today’s Republicans to make cuts to the budget. With so many people getting old and retiring, how can we destroy Social Security, he complained.
Despite dropping $200 billion on hurricane relief, President Bush’s poll numbers are still down. He is considering another $150 billion in relief aid and sending V.P. Cheney to do the cleanup. The President said that with his new bionic body the V.P. should be able to do most of the cleanup himself. With the V.P. doing all the work saving the government billions the President said he would authorize raising the credit card limit of the evacuees to $6000 up from the current $2000. If that doesn’t raise my poll numbers complained the President, I don’t know what will.
On another matter, the President has hired former FEMA director Mike Brown as a consultant on disaster relief, stating that Brown has years of experience in disaster relief. Again the President was quoted as saying “Good Job Brownie”.
When asked by a liberal reporter where all this money is coming from, President Bush, with a disgusted look answered, “China is our friend and will remain our friend.”
Monday, September 26, 2005
Cheney is Half-Done
More News; Halliburton has V.P. Dick Cheney half finished. V.P. Cheney has been released from the hospital as Halliburton has completed this year’s upgrade. Upgrades include a whole new bionic body from the waist down, replacing the knees that had worn out. Also Cheney’s heart was replaced with Intel’s latest chip that’s not even on the market yet. Halliburton stated this should end any future heart problems for the V.P. either physically, morally or emotionally. Cheney’s lungs have also been modified so that when the Bush Administration’s new clean air act is put in place the V.P. won’t have any problems with breathing or any worries of lung cancer. Modifications have also been made to his blood supply; the V.P. now no longer needs fluids to survive and so has no worries of mercury pollution in drinking water His administrations, oops Bush’s Administration, can continue to work on eliminating the clean water act. Halliburton is working overtime to complete Cheney’s upper body (to the neck) and hopes to complete the Cheney project in time for the 2008 primaries. A Halliburton employee has stated that by early 2007 Cheney will have been completely rebuilt and will be able to handle 8 more years of Republican domination of the White House. Cheney was over heard saying being President will be a vacation as compared to handling George Bush. Keeping him (Bush) on track has been the hardest job I’ve ever undertaken the V.P. added.
Patch also over heard that Cheney is trying to get everyone over the age of 50 to change their stances on abortion as new research is showing tremendous results for anti-aging drugs from stem cells obtain from abortions. (Researchers say the effect is only cosmetic so far but Cheney said “who over 50 yrs old is going to refuse any chance to look 20 yrs younger?) AARP is on board with this proposal.
Cheney has also stated quite strongly that Halliburton gets first bid on any sale of public land or national parks. There is no one more qualified to buy and misuse public lands then Halliburton. As long as I’m in office the V.P. went on, Halliburton is first in line. Do you think there is any corporation more entitled to the $200 billion dollar hurricane relief money then Halliburton? I think not he emphasized by slamming his biotic foot on the hospital floor putting a rather large hole in the floor. Fix it he yelled at his aid and went stomping out the door.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Arizona for Tax Relief?
Extra; China has expressed reservations to the Bush Administration on using Arizona as collateral for loaning the 100 Billion $ that Bush wants to use for reducing the taxes on Americans earning over 10 million $ a year. China sites water as the main reason for concern. China fears that after recieving the 100 billion $ the Bush Administration will hire Osama Bin-Laden to destroy both Boulder Dam and Glen Canyon Dam thus depriving Arizona of enough water to exist. Without water, Arizona is worthless, a source from the Chinese embassy stated. He also was overheard as saying “we believe G. Bush is capable of doing anything to reduce taxes for rich Americans. "
The Bush Administration spokesman said ”Nonsense, no way would we hire Osama Bin-Laden to do anything.” What we are trying to do is convince China of the need for this tax cut. With a tax cut of 100 Billion $ we could not only reduce the tax burden on Americans earning over 10 million $ we could also refund any taxes these Americans have had to pay going back for 10 years. This tax relief and refund the Administration believes will shoot the economy up in the U.S. like the space shuttle. (The spokesman from the Chinese Embassy was quoted as saying”Ya, the economy would most likely go up like the shuttle Challenger went up.”)
As of now China and the Bush Administration are at logger heads over Arizona for the 100 Billion $ tax relief program.
On another front the Administration is trying to get Congress on board to support loan guarantees to China. The Administration is telling members of Congress that no one would benefit more from this sale then they would. Congress will be able to return to their constituents and explain how we. (The Bush Administration and Congress) paid not only the bill for hurricane relief, but also reduced taxes for the rich (we all know how good this is for the economy), reduced the budget deficit to near zero and financed the Iraqi war for another year. This news should guarantee reelection and bring good will to the Republican Party for years to come.
Congress can also tell their constituents that if China tries to foreclose on the states being used as collateral President Bush will put the Iraqi war on hold and face the American all voluntary Army at China.
Dick Cheney was quoted as saying “three or four Reagan Class Aircraft Carriers cruising off the coast of China should make it clear to China that the interest the U.S. will be paying on the loans better be enough to keep the Chinese Government satisfied.”
A source at the White House speaking on this subject stated, “If China forecloses on California, it will be what they deserve for not voting for George Bush and becoming a red state.”
Alien From Universe X
Today ( 9-24-05) I interviewed this alien that due to security issues, wants to remain nameless. He says that he lives in Universe X. Universe X is a complex made up of thousands of planets in the upper right quadrangle of the 11th Dimension
The one question I had to ask this alien was “Is there a God?” He kind of laughed and said, “No, but the religious right here in the United States is coming close to the right answer to this question with the concept of “Intelligent Design. Where the religious right has it wrong is assuming that Intelligent Design is the work of one person, God or any other entity. Intelligent Design takes the work of thousands of individuals and millions of (earth) years to complete. Universe X spent hundreds of trillions of American Dollars and tens of millions of earth years of very difficult labor to produce life on this plant as it now exists." As your President Bush likes to says,”it was hard work.”
I then asked the alien what was Planet X’s biggest mistake. Obvious, he stated, Humans, we should have stopped with the great apes. Our designers originally thought that giving free will intellectual intelligence to a life form, a life form that would be good stewards of planet earth, was the most promising way to go. What a huge mistake in thinking this was, it changed Planet X’s whole philosophy on building life forms on alien planets. All Intelligent Designed planets since earth has been completed without these intelligent life forms. Earth is the only plant that Universe X has to intervene in to keep it from being destroyed by the very life forms that the planet supports. For all the intelligence humans have, we cannot understand why they can’t understand that in destroying earth they destroy themselves. I mean, what is so hard to understand that the well being of your planet is your only salvation. Without intervention of professionals from Universe X, humans will destroy earth millions of earth years before they develop enough intelligence to correct the environmental damage their greedy, consuming, and throw away way of life produces. Little did the original designers even suspect that humans would contaminate the food, water and air that they need to exist, let alone design something like, my goodness, the Atomic Bomb!
We tried to correct this flaw by destroying most humans, once , by directing meteors to strike the earth and once by flooding the entire earth. (Except for one little support craft that a held few selected life forms including a few promising humans) Humans are survivors if nothing else.( It was also another failure as far as humans go.)
Well, I then asked; what would best explain the origins of life, evolution or intelligent design? As you most likely know this is a huge question being debated here in the United States.Either, he answered, would do with what little intelligence humans have to understand something this complex. I will say that evolution is a much simpler explanation then intelligent design. Trying to explain life using intelligent design will keep priests and religions going for another million earth years, especially if humans want to continue believing intelligent design is the result of “One Being”.
This interview to be continued …..
Friday, September 23, 2005
Sequoia National Corporaton Park
More on the environment; A consortium of corporations lead by Boise-Cascade having observed the American National Corporation Parks bid to buy all national parks west of the Mississippi River made an offer to the Bush Administration to buy all remaining public lands in what was the Louisiana purchase. The consortium has offered as much as 25 Billion $ for these lands. A spokesman for the consortium stated that this is one hell of a return on investment as President Thomas Jefferson only paid 8 million $ for the entire Louisiana Purchase. Western cattlemen’s associations expressed interest in joining this consortium saying they are tired of bribing BLM employees for grazing permits to these public lands. After all, one cattleman was over heard saying “the lands are public, why should I have to pay anything to graze my cattle on them?
Some protest has risen concerning any sale of public lands to anyone. Permit fees are an income for the U.S. treasury and should not be overlooked. A much louder protest came from a group proclaiming them self’s as “Keep America Free from China.” This group claims that China is backing this consortium and China is the one with the money to pull it off. China is trying to buy America and we believe the Bush Administration is OK with this, the group also stated.
As long as China is willing to front enough money to continue our tax cuts for the rich program, a Bush spokesman stated, we are willing to deal with China or anyone else for that matter, even Ted Turner. (Turner already owns over a million acres of western lands in Montana and New Mexico)
Extra; the for now unnamed company wanting to sponsor Sequoia National Corporation Park has said that after they have finished logging the park they will leave all Sequoia tree stump large enough to camp on in place. Saying any one camping on one of these stumps would have no trouble imagining just how huge a Sequoia tree was, plus the visitor center would have many photos available of the trees for those lacking imagination.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
American National Corporaton Parks
Will be renamed Grand Mountains National Corporation Park
Big Tits???
The American National Corporation Parks Inc. has offered the Bush Administration 15 Billion Dollars for all National Parks west of the Mississippi River. ANCP spokesmen have stated this is more then a reasonable amount for parks that as everyone knows that are money losers The Bush administration expressed great interests in this proposal but wants the ANCP to be responsible for environmental cleanup. ANCP have deemed this unreasonable as the NPS has never cleaned up any environmental issues in any park. ANCP spokesman stated that the government will have to be responsible for all environmental problems in the parks.
ANCP spokesmen also stated that contracts for corporation sponsorships are progressing rapidly. Disney has already expressed great interest in Yosemite National Corporation Park. Disney representatives stated "what a great place for a theme park; we plan on building as least three mountains for climbing, mountains where if you fall you can’t get hurt." They did express concern over Half Dome; "what good is half a mountain they asked, we would need to remove the remaining half just too keep people from asking what happened to this mountain., We do not want to get into geology and evolution and we can’t find any reference where divine intervention would explain the lost of half of a mountain."
A major Colorado brewery has expressed interest in sponsoring Rocky Mountain National Corporation Park, along with Grand Teton National Corporation Park. The brewery does have a problem with name “Grand Teton”, a spokesman for the brewery said we a huge problem with a park named after giant tits. We want everyone to know that this will be a family orientated park not someplace for nudist. We suggest the name Grand Mountains National Corporation Park. The Department of Interior had no objection to this name change, a source at Interior was quoted as saying, “What did a bunch of ignorant fur trappers know about tits?”
Extra; China, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea have agreed to loan the 200 billion $ the Bush Administration has promised for the Gulf Coast hurricane relief and reconstruction. The group has expressed concern for financing relief for hurricane Rita if needed. China as the leading lender has proposed an all around loan package to the Bush Administration. If the Administration is willing to use the west coast states of California, Oregon and Washington as collateral, the group would finance, Hurricane Katrina, (200 Billion $) Hurricane Rita (If needed) the Iraqi war for 2006 (100- 200 Billion $) and throw in NASA’s man to the moon mission (100 Billion $) and cover the 2006 budget deficit ( Unknown Billions of $).
George Bush was quoted as saying “I have no problem with putting a lien on California (Arnold can fend for himself.) But wanted to know how many electoral votes were at stake for Oregon and Washington. “He also inquired that if he threw in Arizona could he get a guarantee of another 100 billion $ to finance a tax cut for everyone earning over 10 million $ a year.”
On another note; George Bush was also quoted as saying “the only reason I accepted any responsibility or blame for FEMA’s non-action in Hurricane Katrina relief was to keep La. Sen. Mary Landrieu from punching me in the nose.”
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Rocky Mountain National Corporation Park
Soon to Read
Entering Rocky Mountain National Corporation ParkSite of Proposed Four Lane Highway for RVs,
Hummers and large SUVs only.
Site for the Rocky Mountain
National Corporation Park Golf Course.
Site of New Floating Casino
Site for New Condos, Strip Malls and Ski Slopes,1299,DRMN_21_4087919,00.htmlSen. Ken Salazar
He said the shift was subtle, including limiting park superintendents to managing, instead of regulating uses such as grazing, snowmobiles, drilling and mining.
"Any use that's been in a park would become a bonafide current use," he said.
In Colorado, that could mean expanding grazing at Dinosaur National Monument, allowing off-highway vehicles at Great Sand Dunes National Park, and oil and gas drilling at Colorado National Monument, he said.
"Why was this done in secret by a political appointee?" he said
Paul Hoffman, assistant Interior secretary for fish, wildlife and parks, drafted the plan without input from Park Service managers
All thanks goes to
President of The Corporation of America "George W. Bush"Patches
Extra; Grand Canyon National Corporation Park; “World’s largest Arial Tram proposed for the Grand Canyon.” The Tram will run from the South Rim to Phantom Ranch. The Grand Canyon Mules will be retired and all hiking trails will be closed over a 5 year period. National Corporation Park officials have determined that hikers cause erosion and fear that erosion will destroy the Grand Canyon.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Rocky Mountain High
Mount Elbert, Colorado's highest mountain, stands at a hypoxic 14,433 feet
And the Colorado rocky mountain high
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky
You can talk to God and listen to the casual reply
Rocky mountain high
( John Denver)
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Shawnee State Forest, Gallia County, Ohio
Shawnee State Forest Notes
Once inhabited by the Shawnee Indians, Shawnee State Forest came into existence in 1922 with the purchase of 5,000 acres of land which had been cut over for timber and ravaged by fire. During that same year, land acquisition was begun for the Theodore Roosevelt Game Preserve.
In the 1930s, six Civilian Conservation Corps camps were located in the forest. During this period, many of the roads were constructed in the then nearly inaccessible area. Many other accomplishments resulted, including five small lakes that were built to serve as water supplies for the camps.
Following the creation of the Department of Natural Resources in 1949, the recreational facilities at Roosevelt Lake were transferred to the Division of Parks. The Roosevelt Game Preserve, by a 1951 agreement between the Division of Forestry and Wildlife, became a part of the forest.
Shawnee State Forest, also called "The Little Smokies of Ohio," has developed into the largest of the 20 state forests, with over 60,000 acres. While the Forest is a fantastic recreation feature in Southern Ohio, you should not be surprised to see other activities occurring. The Forest is a working forest. It is managed to provide a variety of multiple uses on a sustained yield basis. Timber harvesting, tree planting, wildlife habitat, forestry research, watershed and soil protection, and production of tree seeds are all in a day's work for Forest Employees and many local residents. During the spring and fall forest fire danger periods, state forest crews detect and suppress wildfires that occur on state and private lands within the surrounding protection area.
Nearly 8,000 acres of the forest have been designated as wilderness. Timber management activities and public motorized travel have been eliminated in the area.
In the mid-1800s and early 1900s, building stone was quarried from Vastine and Cabbage Patch hollows. The stone was moved by railroad to the Ohio River and loaded on barges. Much of the stone was used in the construction of buildings in Cincinnati.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Gallipolis, Gallia County, Ohio
Gallipolis, meaning "City of the Gauls," began as a speculation project of the Scioto Company, which encouraged investors in France to purchase lands in Ohio; the project proved attractive to the middle class. Hundreds invested money hoping to find prosperity in America. Upon arriving, however, the French found the deeds worthless.---The disillusioned settlers petitioned both Congress and President Washington for aid. As a result, the Ohio Company sent a group of woodsmen from Marietta to build a settlement. The French arrived at Gallipolis October 17, 1790, unaware of the hardships of frontier life, but through perseverance they established a thriving river trade in a short time.---In 1803, one of the first acts of Ohio's legislature was the creation of eight new counties. "Gallia" was given in honor of the county's first settlers, the "French 500" as they are known. Gallipolis today still bears the vestiges of the French as a proud reminder of the county's heritage.
LOCATION AND POPULATION The City of Gallipolis is located on the Ohio River in Gallia County. Gallipolis lies 40 miles up river from Huntington, West Virginia, 58 miles northwest of Charleston, West Virginia, 50 miles west of Marietta, 109 miles southeast ofColumbus, and 156 miles east of Cincinnati.---Gallipolis' population for the 1990 census was 5,085 persons. The Gallia County population for 1990 was 30,954. Between the 1980 and 1990 census, the county experienced a 2.84% growth rate. The county's population is approximately 84.4% rural.---Gallipolis' population for the 2000 census was 4,180 persons
My buddy and I rode motorcycles on just about every road in Gallia County (Labor Day Weekend). Lots of great roads for bikes.
Just up the road aways from Galliplois is Bob Evens Farm (Bob Evens Restaurant). The drive over from Cincinnati (Rt. 32) and the drive back (RT.125) was not too bad itself. Stopped at Shawnee State forest and
hiked around.
Reading "The People's Tycoon, Henry Ford and the American Century" Interesting Bio.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
The Cover Up Begins
No Photographing the Dead
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 6 (Reuters) - The Federal Emergency Management Agency said on Tuesday that it did not want news photographers to take pictures of the dead as they were recovered in New Orleans.
FEMA rejected requests from journalists to accompany rescue boats. (
Would be a damn shame for Americans to see any more of how inept FEMA has become.)
An agency spokeswoman said that "the recovery of the victims is being treated with dignity and the utmost respect." (
That and FEMA cover up.)
(Rudy Giuliani.) We need someone to do for the federal government what Rudy did for New York's."
The mayor deserves all the praise he has received, the NYPD and NYFD deserve all their praise,
BUT, WHAT IF; New York City was 90 % flooded no electric power, no communications? What if NYC had to be evacuated, what if Mayor Giuliani had to face half of what Mayor Ray Nagin is facing? What if the NY police and fire departments couldn’t have got within 2 miles of the World Trade Center?
AND WHAT IF; FEMA had reacted in NYC and Wall Street as it acted towards NOLA? Think heads would roll, think GWB would be making jokes and telling Mike Brown what a good job he was doing? the size and difficulty of the task of rescuing and rebuilding New Orleans and other Gulf Coast areas still unfolding, it seemed early to talk about investigating how this predicted cataclysm had been allowed to occur and why the government's response was so slow and inept. Until yesterday, that is, when
President Bush blithely announced at a photo-op cabinet meeting that he, personally, was going to "find out what went right and what went wrong." We can't imagine a worse idea.
No administration could credibly investigate such an immense failure on its own watch. And we have learned through bitter experience - the Abu Ghraib nightmare is just one example - that when this administration begins an internal investigation, it means a whitewash in which no one important is held accountable and no real change occurs.
Mr. Bush signaled yesterday that we are in for more of the same when he sneered and said, "One of the things that people want us to do here is to play a blame game." This is not a game. It is critical to know what "things went wrong," as Mr. Bush put it. But we also need to know which officials failed - not to humiliate them, but to replace them with competent people.
The big question is; will we get an honest investigation or more cover up? Will we have anyone stand and take responsibility or will it be all CYA? Will anyone admit that Homeland Security and FEMA is not a place for political patronage or will we get competent people put in charge?
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Yahoo News
A young man walks through chest deep flood water after
looting a grocery store in New Orleans on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005. Flood waters continue to rise in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina
Two residents wade through chest-deep water after
finding bread and soda from a local grocery store after Hurricane Katrina came through the area in New Orleans, Louisiana
Everything is Black or White!
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March 2005
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